Skyline Series - Future Islands

23 July 18

Posted at 9:09

Sometimes you get a call about being booked for a band you don't know too much about - this was the case with Future Islands, I tried listening to them but couldn't really get in to it either. Still, it was a new venue for me - a recently refurbished Ashton Gate, home to the red side of Bristol's footballing interests. It was to be held indoors, in the concourse to be more precise, so it was a slightly odd place to shoot met with various challenges along the way.

The Skyline Series is a run of shows across the summer months put on by MJR Group bringing some great acts to Bristol - originally planned to be hosted at St Philips Gate, a new venue to the south of the city. Hold ups with the development of the venue meant that the shows have been spread out across the city, some here at Ashton Gate and others including the Harbourside Amphitheatre.

Little Dragon - Skyline Series

The show was littered with trademark dance moves from frontman Samuel T Herring, inlcuding some pretty hard slaps to his own head (which I must say I wasn't expecting).

Steve, Al and Ash eagerly await the doors to be opened.

Thanks for stopping by, Will

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