Freshening up!

22 October 18

Posted at 1:57


Over the past month or so, I've been tweaking the I Shoot Shoes website to fit more in line with, adding a split landing page and new 'About' pages, which you'll have seen if you're reading this.

I was hoping to get all this ready sooner, but have been suffering with shingles for the last couple of weeks - but am on the mend and picking up where I left off.

Whilst freshening the I Shoot Shoes website up, I've also updated the main gallery with some new imagery - some can be seen below some of which was, from a recent series of shoots with Walktall.

I've a meeting with the director of an exciting, award winning brand this week. His company develop products for infants and babies - with a cracking website to back it all up, it should be a great project to get involved with.

Here's a few shots I've recently added - see more in the full gallery, here!


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